19th century gothic literature
19th century gothic literature

Mass Culture: Medievalism conduct guides, illustrated magazines sensation, gothic, and detective fictions vampires, prostitutes, criminals, “savages. The Gothic, a literary movement that focused on ruin, decay, death, terror, and chaos, and privileged irrationality and passion over rationality and reason, grew in response to the historical, sociological, psychological, and political contexts of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Literature and Empire: Romantic slave narratives and the subjectivities of empire British colonial interventions in and representations of Ireland, India, Africa the “Eastern Question” travel writing postcolonial theory subaltern studies. Genre: Realism, the novel and narrative theory literary canons and the invention of English studies “new canons” of Romantic and Victorian poetry poetics and gender Romantic dramas, Victorian melodramas poetics of Catholicism and atheism Romantic poetry and critical theory. The gothic, in general, tends to break the crucial bounders between life and death, and interested in certain issues bringing dead to life, obtaining immortality, living as ghost after death, these theme show more content The gothic literature of the nineteenth century has undergone various transformations.


Gender and Sexuality: Victorian feminisms and the “Woman Question” “Muscular Christianity” sexuality, gender and religion the rise of queer culture and the invention of sexology.Ĭlass, History, Politics: Marxism, working-class culture and the rise of labor politics industrial revolutions, Crystal Palaces, and conditions of England parliamentary reform, Catholic emancipation transatlantic exchanges between Britain and America liberalism, liberty, anarchy, free trade the rise of Modernism and modernity. Visual Culture and Visual Arts: Histories of aesthetic value the Gothic revival photography, Pre-Raphaelite painters, and Victorian avant gardes Aestheticism, Decadence, and fin-de-siècle culture. Science Studies: Literature and the history of science, medicine and psychology Darwinism and evolutionary theories of culture and the body Romantic and Victorian anthropology and race theories monsters and monstrosity in Romantic writing nineteenth-century utopianism and science fictions.

19th century gothic literature

Scholars at Penn State are pursuing and teaching the intersections between literature and culture that define contemporary scholarship.

19th century gothic literature

If you want to re-add it, I won't delete it again, even if it's not on the requisite number of people's "Gothic" shelves.Nineteenth-century British literature and culture is one of the most exciting fields of study in English right now. "Gothic" can be a relatively subjective term, not as cut-and-dried and easy to define as some even for people who know literature and many other people are relatively clueless about what it is (as some of their list additions demonstrate!) I don't know the list creator, Rachel but I'm guessing she set up that criteria as a way of bringing in an objective yardstick, and replacing idiosyncratic individual judgement with the collective perspective of many readers (in the hope that the latter would be more likely to be accurate).Īll of that said, I can see Gothic elements in Dracula, though I personally usually associate "Gothic" with something set strictly in or around one particular sinister building. (I don't know how large that number has to be.) The more people who have a "Gothic" shelf (I don't myself) and list a particular book on it, the more likely it is that Goodreads will list "Gothic" as one of the book's genres. On the book records, where a list of "Genres" is supplied, the Goodreads program apparently lists every customized shelf name (like "Gothic," "Fiction," "Horror," etc.) that a certain number of people have all shelved the book as.

19th century gothic literature

Some very simple, generic shelf names, like Gothic, are used by a LOT of people, even though they don't coordinate with each other. But many people go on to create customized shelves of their own, sometimes by genre (including "Gothic"). When you join Goodreads, the program automatically sets your bookshelves up with three basic shelves (read, currently reading, and to read). Jon, good question! There is but one person can't do it alone. Jon wrote: "If the main consideration for a book's inclusion is it having the genre listing of Gothic on its book page, is there a way to make such a thing happen?"

19th century gothic literature